OT030 / OT029 - Post Exilic Prophets (English / Hebrew)

The post-exilic prophets provide encouragement to God’s people in tough times. The focus of this unit is the book of Zechariah. Zechariah looks back over Israel’s history and seeks to explain why Jerusalem was overcome by the Babylonian empire. At the same time, Zechariah looks towards the fulfilment of the hopes of the earlier prophets for the establishment of God’s glorious kingdom, the kingdom that ultimately comes in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Zechariah is not the easiest book to understand, but it will certainly repay thoughtful work. Zechariah is the prophet quoted most often in the passion narratives of the Gospels. His book helps us to appreciate Jesus’ work even more and what it means to live in the light of his kingdom.

OT030 (English)

Pre/Co-requisite Units: 

OT002 or OT003
NT014-712 co-requisite: 96cps of study, including 36 cps at AQF level 6

Unit Exclusions: 

Prior to 2020, this unit content was delivered under the unit code OT446/OT646.
Unit Exclusions: OT029

OT029 (Hebrew)

Pre-requisite Units: 


Co-requisite Units: 

OT002 or OT003
NT019-712 co-requisite: 96cps of study, including 36 cps at AQF level 6

Unit Exclusions: 

Prior to 2020, this unit content was delivered under the unit code OT444/NT644.
Unit Exclusions: OT030

Full Course Unit Descriptor:

For the full Course Unit Descriptor, please see the Australian College of Theology website