Morling College Blog

Keep up to date with the events, conferences and happenings at Morling College

Investment That Changes Lives

Learn how you can make a difference in the lives of our students. Partner with us to see the next generation of Pastors and leaders...

Jun 20, 2024 11:58:36 AM
Blockaded Compassion?

Read Andrew Sloane's article, inspired by a conversation he had with Baptist World Aid Australia. "It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the images of violence...

Mar 28, 2024 2:51:24 PM
Binocular Reading

Read Andrew Sloane's Blog ""Preachers are often encouraged to prepare their sermons with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other.  (Or...

Mar 28, 2024 12:36:16 PM
Top 5 Bible Study Tips

Based off the title above, you might be thinking, “Study tips? But we already just had exams!” However, bible study is not just about…

Jul 07, 2021 11:58:33 AM

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