
Encore is an initiative of Morling College, held on Friday mornings at our Sydney campus and livestreamed online. It is designed for people who are retired or no longer working full-time to continue learning about God with like-minded people. There are no academic requirements or assessments for Encore. Every new stage of life has its challenges and possibilities, and it is in an open learning environment that people bring their life experience, skills & knowledge to explore the following areas:

  • Engaging Bible teaching – challenging your own journey with God
  • Asking the tough questions – about life’s big issues
  • Faith in action – in your family, communities, local and overseas

What does Encore look like?

The program has a mix of lecture-style presentations and more discussion-based seminars.

Each Friday morning will have the same structure:

  • 9.45am - 9.50am - Welcome, prayer and announcements
  • 9.50M - 10.45am - Session 1
  • 10.45m - 11.05am - Morning Tea
  • 11.05am – 12 noon - Session 2

We will meet in the Ministry and Learning Centre at our Sydney campus (5 Saunders Close, Macquarie Park) and also via livestream. Parking is available.


We aim to keep costs low so that you can attend whatever your financial situation. Please let us know if you would like to attend but do not have the finances to be able to come - we don't want you to miss out!

As with all events at Morling, we place great importance on being COVIDsafe so that we can be welcome you with confidence and a friendly smile. You will be required to sign in each week to register your attendance on campus and follow all usual COVIDsafe protocols. More details to be added, when available.