What's available this year?
Student life on-campus at Morling College follows a semester schedule. Information on the timing of an average College day, including break times, unit scheduling and chapel is available on the current on-campus semester timetable below.
Each course structure is made up of a variety of required units and electives. Each Unit Code (eg NT001) includes two letters as the prefix which correspond to an area of study.
Please be aware that these schedules may change, due to student enrolments or specific curriculum needs.
2025 Units scheduled | Master list of all Bible & Theology units scheduled for the current semester, covering both campuses and online. | view in new tab |
2025-2028 Indicative planner | Master list (indicative only) of Bible & Theology units for the next four years, covering both campuses and online. | view in new tab |
2025 Bible & Theology On-Campus Timetables | Sydney - Semester 1 | view in new tab |
Sydney - Semester 2 | view in new tab | |
Perth - Semester 1 | view in new tab | |
Perth - Semester 2 | view in new tab | |
Brisbane - Semester 1 | view in new tab | |
Brisbane - Semester 2 | view in new tab |
2025 Counselling, Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care Unit Offerings | Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care | view in new tab |
Counselling | TBC | |
Professional Supervision | TBC | |
2025 CCSC On-Campus Timetables | Semester 1 - Sydney | view in new tab |
Semester 1 - Perth | view in new tab | |
Semester 2 - Sydney | view in new tab | |
Semester 2 - Perth | view in new tab | |
2025 Study Progression Plans (TBC) | Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care (Sydney) | view in new tab |
Counselling (Sydney) | TBC | |
Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care (Perth) | view in new tab | |
Counselling (Perth) | TBC |
2024 Education Unit Offerings | view in new tab |
2025 Education Unit Offerings | view in new tab |