Christianity in History Study Tour
(7-23 January 2025)

Our Christianity in History Study Tour is a wonderful opportunity to see Church History come to life as we travel through Germany, Strasbourg and Switzerland. Experience the churches, castles, and towns where reformers like Luther, Zwingli, Calvin and the Swiss Brethren lived and taught. We’ll also visit Rome, the Eternal City, with its ancient and renaissance past. Come and be inspired!

This Study Tour will be classed as a Semester 2, 2024 unit and part of the cost of this tour can be deferred to FEE-HELP for eligible students. As places are limited, please let us know if you intend to take this tour as soon as you can. After we receive your expression of interest, we will send out further details.

Students completing this unit as part of an accredited award are required to complete assigned pre-reading before the tour commences, and complete assessment work after the tour (by early Semester 1).

Everyone is warmly invited to join us! You do not need to be a student.

For students at Morling (or an affiliated ACT-College) – Enrol in one of the following units in Semester 2, 2024 to attend the Study Tour for credit towards your award:

  • CH202-512, CH202-612, CH202-712
    Cost: $12,460 ($4990 non-FEE-HELP + $7470 FEE-HELP)
  • CH202-812, CH202-912
    Cost: $12,820 ($4990 non-FEE-HELP + $7830 FEE-HELP)

Audit (not for academic credit): $10,340
Optional Single Room Supplement: $1350

  1. Download and read the Itinerary 
  2. To secure your place:
    • Complete the Booking Form and return it to our travel agent and Morling College
    • If you are completing the Study Tour for credit, ensure you have included it on your 2024 Enrolment Form 
    • Payment of your ​​​deposit of $500 per person is required by 30 June 2024.
  3. If you have any questions, please contact us by email to 

Greece & Turkey Study Tour (Jan 2026 TBC)

Morling is pleased to offer both current and prospective students the opportunity to participate in a Study Tour of Greece and Turkey in January 2023. Dates to be confirmed, some highlight destinations of the tour include Athens, Corinth, Cappadocia, Pisidian Antioch, Hierapolis, Laodicea, Ephesus, Patmos and Troas.

Israel, Palestine & Jordan Study Tour (Jan 2024)

Morling is pleased to offer both current and prospective students the opportunity to participate in a Study Tour of Israel and Jordan, scheduled for January 2024. Some highlight destinations of the tour include Amman, Petra, The Dead Sea, Jerusalem, Mount Carmel, Megiddo & The Sea of Galilee. This tour commences from Sydney on the 11th of January 2024 with a flight to Dubai and will return to Australia on the 27th of January 2024.