Date: 18th February 2025 - 20th February 2025
Time: Various Times
Week 0 - Academic Workshops for New Students
For our Counselling, Chaplaincy and Professional Supervision students as well as our Bible and Theology Students we will be hosting 2 Academic Workshops from our Sydney Campus, and via livestream for our WA students and those unable to attend on campus. Coming to campus has added benefits!
Day 1: Easy Essay Template - This workshop will introduce basic Microsoft Word program short cuts for word processing. It will include setting up an essay template according to Morling requirements, which you can use again and again. If your computer skills are rusty, this workshop is for you. (Bring a laptop to class or work on your computer at home as you attend via zoom. An extra monitor at home would be beneficial. The use of Microsoft Word is a Morling requirement).
Day 2*: How to Write the Morling Way - This workshop will guide you through a step-by-step approach to planning, researching, writing, editing and submitting your Morling essays. Online tools will be introduced to save you time finding scholarly readings, and authentic student essays will be used to model good essay structure, summarising evidence to support your arguments, and referencing correctly to avoid plagiarism. Navigating the resources available to you in Morling Moodle, our learning management system, will also be covered.
*Please Note: Day 2 is different content for each faculty, as the information is specific to what you will be studying.
Counselling Chaplaincy and Professional Supervision:
Day 1: Easy Essay Template -
Tuesday 18 February (Week 0): 2pm to 4pm AEDT/11am to 1pm AWST
Day 2: How to Write the Morling Way -
Wednesday 19 February (Week 0): 1pm to 4pm AEST/10am to 1pm AWST
Bible and Theology:
Day 1: Easy Essay Template
Tuesday 18 February (Week 0): 2-4pm AEDT/11am to 1pm AWST
Day 2: How to Write the Morling Way
Thursday 20 February (Week 0): 1pm to 4pm AEST/10am to 1pm AWST