SENT | Church Planting Equipping Programme
Is God calling you to plant a church?
Morling College is committed to equipping the whole believer to take the whole gospel to the whole world. SENT is Morling's internal Church Planting Certificate.
The programmes on this page are not aligned to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and are not registered by the Higher Education regulator, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).
They are offered independently by Morling College and/or the Baptist Association of NSW & ACT. Please click on the link to each programme below for more details.
Some can be taken in conjunction with one of the ACT courses listed on the Bible, Ministry and Theology course page.
Is God calling you to plant a church?
Morling College is committed to equipping the whole believer to take the whole gospel to the whole world. SENT is Morling's internal Church Planting Certificate.
Morling's Stay Charged program is designed for graduates wanting to pursue further academic study, and to provide ongoing professional development for pastors and Christian leaders. The suite of subjects has been carefully chosen to offer advanced study in Old and New Testament, Christian Thought, Leadership, Preaching, and Spiritual Formation, and to fit in with the schedule of busy pastors.
Do you want to meet other Christians in a similar stage of life? Encore, offered by Morling College, is designed especially for you. Encore is an open learning environment designed for retirees or individuals who are no longer working...
Learn the basics of New Testament Greek using our online resources at your own pace. Study by yourself, with a mentor, or with a few friends from church.